Coronary artery disease
Louise had been treated for coronary artery disease over many years. She was recommended by her gynaecologist that she undergo a non-essential gynaecological procedure. Undecided, she sought the advice of her cardiologist who approved the withdrawal of her anti-platelet/anti-clotting medication so that she could undertake the operation.
After the procedure, she suffered a stenosis (narrowing) of the LAD. Her cardiologist was called and an ECG conducted and blood gases taken. Troponin levels were high and rising and the ECG consistent with STEMI.
She should then have been taken to the cath laboratory. She was not and consequently suffered considerable damage to the heart muscle making her ineligible to have further bypass surgery which would have prolonged her life.
Louise now has little quality of life and can no longer work. She needs the support of her husband in all activities of daily living and her life expectancy has been reduced to just a few years.
The Law Office of Conrad Curry is passionate in ensuring that those suffering from health conditions receive appropriate treatment.
If you have been a victim or suffered loss as a result of medical negligence, call us today to speak to our friendly team.