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    • Hospital Negligence
          • Hospital Negligence

            We understand you may feel let down because you have experienced inadequate or negligent care and treatment in a hospital or medical facility. Your wellbeing is most important to us and we are committed to supporting you with compassion and holding medical professionals accountable for breach of duty and negligent care.

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    • Clinical Support
          • Clinical Support

            Experiencing poor or adverse outcomes from allied health treatment can be distressing and life changing. We are here to support you through your claim and it is our aim to hold allied health professionals accountable for their breach of care by delivering the outcome you deserve to your negligence claims.

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    • Workers Compensation
          • Workers Compensation

            When you sustain an injury or illness because of work, you may be entitled to  compensation. Our specialist team in Personal Injury Law is here to support you with compassion and understanding with the right advice. We have substantial technical expertise to deliver the best possible outcome from your claim.

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    • Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)
          • Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)

            Are you unable to work because you have suffered a serious and permanent injury?

            You may be able to claim on the insurances under an existing superannuation policy for either or both income payments during the period of disability (income protection/salary continuance) and/or a lump sum for Total and Permanent Disablement (‘TPD’).

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          • Wills and Estates

            When we provide advice on estate planning, we believe  in giving advice on options to mitigate the risks of litigation by potentially unhappy family members and protecting your assets from claims. Our legal team is here to support you and address your concerns regarding your estate planning. We have immense experience in these matters, providing you with advice and representation for your unique situation and delivering the best outcomes for your case.

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    • Powers of Attorney
    • Contest A Will
          • Contest A Will

            We have immense experience and specialised knowledge in family provision and wills disputes Where you have not been properly and adequately provided for under a will or where you suspect that the person making the will may not have had capacity or exercised their own free will, you need a lawyer with extensive experience and expertise. Our team of Lawyers will  provide you with advice and representation for your unique situation and deliver the best outcomes for your case.

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          • Professional Negligence

            We rely on professionals in all aspects of our lives to provide us with proper advice on which to make decisions about our financial and legal affairs. When you are let down by poor advice the results can be devastating.  We are here to support you in your claim for compensation with clarity, guidance and the right advice to achieve the outcome you deserve.

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          • Malicious Prosecution

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    • What to Expect
          • What to expect

            We are your law firm for life. You can count on us for the best legal advice and compassionate support. We understand the challenges you are facing and we want you to know that you don’t have to navigate the often daunting process alone. We are here when you need us. Let us help you find your way forward with our empathetic and efficient approach. Contact us. You can call us on (02) 4050 0330 for a free initial no-obligation consultation or book an appointment online for an in-person consultation or an online video appointment.

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Sovereign Birthing: Dangerous Practices Risk Lives

Trigger warning: Birth trauma, neonatal and infant death

The rise of unqualified “birthkeepers” in Australia’s birthing community is putting mothers and babies at risk. These so-called “sovereign” birth practitioners promote birthing practices that reject medical intervention, often charging thousands for their services while operating outside the healthcare system.

The difference between freebirth and homebirth

During homebirths, a clinical/medical practitioner (typically a midwife) is present for the birth. The practitioner is trained to assess whether homebirth is appropriate in the context of the pregnancy, manage the birth, monitor vital signs and, if necessary, arrange a transfer to hospital.

Freebirths, on the other hand, occur without a clinical practitioner present. Often a “birthkeeper” or doula will attend. These individuals generally have no (or very limited) medical training and may not be competent to recognise the risks and complications that arise during birth.

The rise of freebirths in Australia

In February 2024, the ABC reported details of a tragic story of a freebirth in which a midwife was contacted by a doula and asked to attend a freebirth at a property in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

The midwife attended and advised that the baby was in the posterior (backwards) position. After discussing strategies for the birth, the midwife recommended that the mother present to hospital if the baby was not born in the next few hours.

Around ten hours later, the midwife was contacted by the doula, who advised that the contractions had slowed down. The midwife again recommended that the woman present to hospital.

The mother continued to labour and presented to Sunshine Coast University Hospital the following day. The baby was born via emergency caesarean section with thick meconium (which can be a sign of foetal distress). Tragically, the baby passed away within a few hours of being born.

Alice’s Story

The ABC has also recently reported on the experiences of ‘Alice’ and ‘Patrick’, who have both experienced traumatic freebirths.

Alice turned to freebirth after two caesarean deliveries left her traumatised. When private midwives refused to home birth her due to her high-risk history, Alice engaged an unqualified birthkeeper who referred to herself as a “sovereign midwife,”  and charged Alice $5,555 for her services. When her contractions didn’t progress, Alice was reportedly told by the birthkeeper that her body was “testing the strength” of her womb. Alice’s labour continued  overnight, and the following day she realised she could no longer feel the pressure of her baby’s head.

Alice then admitted herself to the hospital, where a midwife examined her and reported that the baby was in a diagonal position.

Alice underwent an emergency caesarean section, and her baby required resuscitation. Alice’s baby is now developing normally, however, staff at the hospital advised her and her baby’s life had been in danger.

Patrick’s Heartbreaking Loss

Patrick and his partner also sought an alternative birthing experience, engaging a birthkeeper within the same network as Alice’s. During labour, the baby passed meconium, a sign of distress. Despite the severity of the situation, the birthkeeper delayed calling for hospital assistance.

Shortly after, Patrick realised that the baby was in the breech position. The baby’s head became stuck, and an ambulance and emergency midwife were called. The baby boy was born unresponsive, and despite resuscitation attempts by paramedics, he could not be revived. Patrick later learned that with proper support, his son’s death may have been preventable.

Legal and Policy Responses

Recent investigations have linked at least seven baby deaths between 2022 and 2024 in northern NSW and south-east Queensland to freebirthing. A number of these deaths have been referred to the NSW and Queensland Coroners.

Australia is beginning to address the dangers of freebirth. New laws now allow health regulators to issue prohibition orders against unregistered practitioners posing a public risk. Under the prohibition orders, health regulators can restrict unregistered practitioners from providing services. Health regulators also have the power to prohibit individuals from using protected professional titles such as ‘midwife’.

Additionally, the government is supporting homebirths with registered midwives through providing indemnity insurance for midwives attending homebirths, ensuring safer options for families seeking alternatives to hospital births.

It is important to understand that many women choose to freebirth following experiences of birth trauma. In order to combat the risks of freebirthing, the government must also focus on improving the standards of maternal health care across Australia.

Policymakers and health advocates must work together to rebuild trust in the healthcare system and provide safer, evidence-based maternity care.


This article reflects the current law at the time of publication. It is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The actual decisions in each case are summarised for general understanding. For specific legal guidance in relation to your situation, please consult with a qualified legal professional.

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