Making your Will is never an easy topic to confront. Rest assured that we take a sensitive approach to every matter.
The Law Office of Conrad Curry provides expert advice in estate planning, Probate and Letters of Administration, and disputed estates. Whether preparing your Will or other important life documents, or contesting a Will, we are here to assist you.
Estate Planning
Regardless of your stage in life, you never know when the inevitable will happen. That’s why getting your estate planning in order is one of the most important tasks you need to undertake.
Estate planning is not always simple with such varied life circumstances, relationships, asset structures. There is also so much disputation around deceased estates. It is imperative that you obtain expert advice so that you can make fully informed decisions to ensure your estate is preserved for those you want to benefit and limit the opportunity for a dispute.
It is wise to put documents in place so that those you trust can make decisions for you if you lose the capacity to do so through accident or illness. A power of attorney will allow a trusted family member friend or professional to make legal and financial decisions if you are unable to do so. An Appointment of Enduring Guardian will allow your trusted enduring guardian to make lifestyle, care and medical decisions in your best interests. . For more information on these valuable arrangements, please click on the list below.
Estate Disputes
Whilst a person is entitled to decide how their assets will be distributed, it is not always that straight forward. There are often disputes over the estate about the provision made under a will or the validity of a will, where allegations are made that the will maker didn’t have capacity, didn’t understand the contents and effect of the will, or did not make the will voluntarily. Read more about Family Provision and Invalid Wills and Estate Disputes.
Our team of experienced estate lawyers are here to assist you in any claim involving a family provision claim or other estate dispute. Click below for more information.
Find out more about Our Services
To help you understand how best to set out your Will, we assist with: