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    • Medical Negligence
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          • Women’s Health

            We know that there is disparity in women’s health care, treatment, and support. We are committed to improving the lives of women and strongly advocating for their wellbeing.  That is why we take a stand and hold medical professionals accountable when medical care falls short of expected standards by delivering the best outcome in medical negligence claims affecting women.

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    • Hospital Negligence
          • Hospital Negligence

            We understand you may feel let down because you have experienced inadequate or negligent care and treatment in a hospital or medical facility. Your wellbeing is most important to us and we are committed to supporting you with compassion and holding medical professionals accountable for breach of duty and negligent care.

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    • Clinical Support
          • Clinical Support

            Experiencing poor or adverse outcomes from allied health treatment can be distressing and life changing. We are here to support you through your claim and it is our aim to hold allied health professionals accountable for their breach of care by delivering the outcome you deserve to your negligence claims.

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    • Personal Injury
          • Personal Injury

            If you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, our specialist team of Personal Injury Lawyers is here to support you with compassion and understanding providing you with the right advice. Our team has substantial experience and expertise in these matters to deliver the outcomes you deserve from your claim.

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          • Motor Vehicle Accidents

            We are here to support you and give you the clarity, guidance and the right legal advice if you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident. Our compassionate team of professionals in Personal Injury law have the technical expertise and a wealth of experience to win you the compensation you deserve.

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    • Public Liability
          • Public Liability

            Our specialist team in Personal Injury law is here to support you in accessing proper compensation if you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence. We have cutting edge expertise and experience in public liability claims to deliver the outcome you deserve.

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    • Abuse
          • Institutional Abuse

            We strongly believe that educational institutions must be held accountable when failing to protect children while in their care. If you have experienced institutional physical or sexual abuse, our specialist team in Personal Injury law is here to support you with compassion and offer our technical expertise and experience to deliver the best outcome in your case.

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    • Workers Compensation
          • Workers Compensation

            When you sustain an injury or illness because of work, you may be entitled to  compensation. Our specialist team in Personal Injury Law is here to support you with compassion and understanding with the right advice. We have substantial technical expertise to deliver the best possible outcome from your claim.

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    • School Negligence
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    • Wills & Estate Planning
          • Wills and Estates

            When we provide advice on estate planning, we believe  in giving advice on options to mitigate the risks of litigation by potentially unhappy family members and protecting your assets from claims. Our legal team is here to support you and address your concerns regarding your estate planning. We have immense experience in these matters, providing you with advice and representation for your unique situation and delivering the best outcomes for your case.

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    • Powers of Attorney
    • Contest A Will
          • Contest A Will

            We have immense experience and specialised knowledge in family provision and wills disputes Where you have not been properly and adequately provided for under a will or where you suspect that the person making the will may not have had capacity or exercised their own free will, you need a lawyer with extensive experience and expertise. Our team of Lawyers will  provide you with advice and representation for your unique situation and deliver the best outcomes for your case.

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    • Other Services Overview
          • Conrad Curry Can assist you with a variety of services

            Our solicitors are highly experienced in providing you with expert legal advice and will keep you informed every step of the way. It’s good to know that our firm is trusted and effective with a high success rate.

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    • Professional Negligence
          • Professional Negligence

            We rely on professionals in all aspects of our lives to provide us with proper advice on which to make decisions about our financial and legal affairs. When you are let down by poor advice the results can be devastating.  We are here to support you in your claim for compensation with clarity, guidance and the right advice to achieve the outcome you deserve.

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    • Malicious Prosecution
          • Malicious Prosecution

            We believe in standing up for those people who are falsely accused and prosecuted. Our experienced legal team is here to support you with compassion and provide you with clarity, guidance, and the right advice in your claim for compensation.

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    • General Litigation
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    • What to Expect
          • What to expect

            We are your law firm for life. You can count on us for the best legal advice and compassionate support. We understand the challenges you are facing and we want you to know that you don’t have to navigate the often daunting process alone. We are here when you need us. Let us help you find your way forward with our empathetic and efficient approach. Contact us. You can call us on (02) 4050 0330 for a free initial no-obligation consultation or book an appointment online for an in-person consultation or an online video appointment.

  • No Win/No Fee Options

Bullied Worker Awarded $1.3m Damages

Worker awarded $1,394,421.91 damages following a successful common law damages claim of intentional tort (intentional act) as a result of suffering a psychiatric condition including PTSD and depression that developed as a result of bullying and harassment by a manager. Ward v Allianz Australia Services Pty Ltd [2019] NSWDC 293 (5 July 2019)


Mr Ward started working for Allianz immediately after school and never worked anywhere else. By 2003 he was an accounts manager. At that time a new State Manager, Mr Smith, was appointed by Allianz to managed about 100 employees including Mr Ward.

Mr Smith was an aggressive manager. On many occasions he yelled at Mr Ward, telling him he was hopeless at his job, berating him for some aspect of his work and telling him that the brokers all thought he was a poor performer. Mr Ward was also subjected to physical abuse including being slapped hard with an open hand across the back of the head and being shoulder charged by Mr Smith on numerous occasions. The bullying occurred for about 14 months from early 2003 to April 2004.

As a result, Mr Ward avoided being in the office and worked from home except for monthly meetings. When he attended on those days, Mr Smith would call him into his office and yell at him and abuse him.

In January 2004, another employee complained about Mr Smith and eventually left. As a result, Mr Ward was interviewed by someone from human resources. Mr Ward confirmed that the employee had been bullied and advised he’d also been physically and verbally assaulted by Mr Smith.

In April 2004 Mr Smith was removed as State Manager and given a national role. After Mr Smith left, Mr Ward experienced a number of ailments over a significant period of time and took sick leave at various times for Crohn’s disease, ulcers, scoliosis and a viral illness. Mr Ward’s workload increased, and he found he had to do more overtime in order to keep on top of it. He complained about the workload once to a supervisor. His supervisor in August 2010 noticed he was struggling with his work and by late November and December 2010 he was starting to get calls from underwriters for reports that were not completed. Mr Ward went on leave in December 2010 and never returned.

The proceedings

Mr Ward lodged a claim for workers compensation in respect of his psychiatric illness. On 19 April 2017 the Workers Compensation Commission determined he had suffered a primary psychological injury to which his employment was a substantial contributing factor. An Approved Medical Specialist determined his whole person impairment was 22%. Mr Ward then sought, and was granted, leave to bring proceedings for damages against Allianz in the District Court.

Allianz’s liability for intentional harm by Mr Smith

To establish an intentional tort, Mr Ward had to prove on the balance of probabilities that Mr Smith’s intentional conduct was calculated to cause him physical harm, being a psychiatric or psychological injury. The Judge was satisfied that as a result of Mr Smith’s purpose at Allianz and conduct towards a number of managers, that such illness was a calculated outcome in the sense that Mr Smith was recklessly indifferent as to whether or not he caused harm.

Mr Ward then had to established Allianz was responsible for Mr Smith’s deliberate conduct. Allianz argued they could not be held liable for the physical aspects of Mr Smith’s abuse of Mr Ward because they did not authorise it. The Judge did not agree noting Mr Smith’s conduct was intimately connected with his task because it was done in the apparent execution of the authority which Allianz had given him as State Manager. The Judge determined Allianz was liable for the injuries suffered by Mr Ward as a consequence of Mr Smith’s deliberate conduct.

Allianz liability in negligence

Mr Ward pleaded his negligence claim on two bases:

  1. That, in perpetrating the abuse, Mr Smith failed to take reasonable care for his safety;
  2. That Allianz failed to take reasonable care for his safety and well-being.

The Judge found Allianz appeared to have a system in place to deal with the potential consequences of bullying and that it took steps to put an end to that conduct. Also, Mr Ward gave no indication at all that he was suffering from psychological harm, meaning that harm was not reasonably foreseeable once Mr Smith was removed. The Judge noted it may have been different if Mr Ward showed any signs of mental illness at work, but he did not.

The Judge could not conclude Mr Smith’s conduct as an agent for Allianz was a breach of Allianz’s duty of care to Mr Ward, as Allianz had no prior notice of Mr Smith’s conduct. Secondly, Allianz did take reasonable care for Mr Ward’s safety and well-being by removing Mr Smith from his position. The Judge determined a claim in negligence would fail.


As Mr Ward successfully pleaded his case for intentional tort, the Judge found Allianz liable to pay Mr Ward damages totalling $1,394,421.91 for economic loss as follows:

Past economic loss $559,427.30
Superannuation on past earnings $62,935.57
Past lost leave loading $7,509.75
Damage to future economic capacity $668,941.50
Superannuation on future earnings $86,627.92
Future leave loading $8,979.87

The Judge further directed Allianz to pay Mr Ward’s legal costs and interest.

Your livelihood is important, so if you have been injured at work you should get timely advice from an experienced lawyer about your rights and entitlements. Our friendly team has many years of experience in workers compensation and other personal injury claims.

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